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Practices and seminars


Winter semester


  • Wednesday 02.10. - 13:30-15:00 - 503 - Bones of upper limb (Antonella)
  • Friday 04.10. - 13:30-15:00 - 503 - Joints of the upper limb (Antonella)
  • Tuesday 08.10. - 13:30-15:00 - 503 - Bones of lower limb (Antonella)
  • Thursday 10.10. - 13.30-15:00 - 503 - Joints of lower limb (Antonella)
  • Friday 18.10. - 13:30-15:00 - 503 - Axial skeleton and pelvis as a whole (Anne)
  • Wednesday 23.10. - 13:45-15:15 - 220 - Muscles and nerves of the limbs (Antonella)
  • Thursday 24.10. - 13:15-14:45 - 331 - Skull I (Anne)
  • Wednesday 30.10. - 13:30-15:00 - 503 - Skull II (Anne)
  • Thursday 31.10. - 15:45-17:15 - 503 - Skull III (Anne)
  • Monday 04.11. - 15:15-16:45 - 503 - Skull IV (Anne)
  • Wednesday 06.11. - 8:00-9:30 - 812 - Muscles and nerves of the head and neck (Antonella)
  • Wednesday 13.11. - 9:45-11:15 - 812 - Muscles and nerves of thorax and back (Anne)
  • Friday 08.11. - 15:15- 16:45 - 503 - Muscles and nerves of abdomen and pelvic floor (Anne)


  • Wednesday 20.11. - 9:45-11:15 - 812 - Oral cavity, teeth and pharynx (Antonella)
  • Friday 22.11. - 9:45-11:15 - 812 - Tube I (Antonella)
  • Monday 25.11. - 8:00-9:30 - 812 - Tube II (Antonella)
  • Tuesday 26.11. - 9:45-11:15 - 812 - Development of tube and glands (Anne)
  • Wednesday 27.11. - 9:45-11:15 - 812 - Glands and peritoneum (Anne)
  • Monday 02.12. - 13:30-15:00 - 319 - Histological preparations I (Antonella)
  • Tuesday - 03.12. - 8:00-9:30 - 319 - Histological preparations II (Antonella)
  • Wednesday - 04.12. - 9:45-11:15 - 812 - Anatomical preparations (Anne)

Respiration + Blood

  • Wednesday 11.12. - 9:45-11:15 - 503 - Respiratory system I (Antonella)
  • Thursday 12.12. - 9:45- 11:15 - 812 - Respiratory system II (Antonella)
  • Friday 13.12 - 9:45-11:15 - 812 - Anatomical preparations (Anne)
  • Thursday 19.12. - 8:00-9:30 - 319 - Histological preparations (Tereza)

Excretion and Reproduction

  • Wednesday 08.01. - 9:45- 11:15 - 812 - Upper urinary tract and its development (Anne)
  • Friday 10.01. - 11:30-13:00 - 812 - Lower urinary tract and its development (Anne)
  • Wednesday 15.01. - 9:45- 11:15 - 812 - Male genital system
  • Friday 17.01 - 9:45- 11:15 - 812 - Female genital system
  • Monday 20.01 - 8:00-9:30 - 319 - Histological preparations I
  • Monday 20.01 - 9:45- 11:15 - 812 - Anatomical preparations
  • Wednesday 22.01. - 13:30-15:00 - 525 - Nutrition of embryo and fetus
  • Thursday 23.01 - 8:00-9:30 - 319 - Histological preparations II
  • Thursday 23.01 - 11:30-13:00 - 812 - ?


Credit conditions

Color code: Oral examination
Written examination
Course Requirements
  • Bones of limbs
  • Joints of limbs
  • Axial skeleton
  • Skull
  • Structure and function test
Digestion Structure and function test
Respiration and blood Structure and function test
Excretion and reproduction structure and function joint oral examination
Topographical dissection of limbs Examination after the course
  • Heart
  • Structure and function test
Nervous system
  • Brain
  • Brain sections
  • Structure and function test
Senses Structure and function test
Endocrinology Structure and function test
Topographical dissection of the body Examination after the course

Oral exams

Registration form for oral exams

How to use the form?

  • The registration form is in google docs.
  • To register, sign under the date you're interested in.
  • You can sign out until 24h before the time of the exam.
  • Please don't exceed the capacity of the date.

Study materials - winter semester

All the documents on Google Docs can be downloaded by pressing the little arrow on the upper left corner of the page

Introduction to the anatomy course



Axial skeleton

Faculty materials:




Respiratory system
